
Monday, July 8, 2013


Bill Beckham has described the cell church as a two-winged bird that has a “large wing” and a “small wing.” The two wings are clearly described in one verse, Acts 2:46: (1) they went to the temple to hear the Apostles teach and (2) broke bread in their homes. The two dimensions of a cell church require both teaching and prophesying.

The large wing is for biblical instruction, equipping the believers for the work of their ministry.  The large gathering of believers took place in the Jerusalem temple. In Ephesus, Paul taught large groups in the school of Tyrannus. They also gathered in Corinth on the “first day” (Acts 16:2). In Acts 20:7, believers crowded together in Troas on the first day of the week as Paul taught them into the night.

The small wing is where all prophesy and reveal Christ’s presence and power. (1 Cor. 14:3, 24-25). The primary purpose of the cell meeting is for edification, exhortation and comfort as believers manifest supernatural gifts to build up the body. This produces “Body Life Evangelism” as observing unbelievers fall on their faces, declaring they are witnessing the activity of God within the group.

Thus, there must always be two components in a cell church. The assembled community gathers for biblical guidance and instruction so they will properly function as “one another” priests in the cell. The cell penetrates the people within their oikoses and draws them into the cell meetings to observe Christ’s activity as His gifts are manifested.

Contemporary cell churches must remember that the gathered assembly is for the purpose of equipping believers through biblical teaching. Too often in a consumer-oriented Sunday service the sermon is directed toward making the audience “feel good.” One TV church commercial in Houston promises that those who attend will “get a lift for the rest of the week.” No! The general assembly is for the guidance of the priesthood as they serve for the week.

Also, contemporary cell churches must remember that the basic community gathered in homes is the way the indwelling Christ manifests His presence and power through ALL believers prophesying as the ungifted and unbelievers watch. If this is not taking place the cell is not the authentic body of Christ.

Two wings take care of two separate ministries. In the large wing, believers are equipped and edified from the scriptures. This gathering is for believers, not unbelievers. That is why in Wesley’s cell church the attenders had to obtain a ticket in the class meeting (cell) before they could come to the large service!

In the small wing (cell), purification of the body members takes place as all prophesy and unbelievers observe Christ’s power. Note: unbelievers are not first taken to the large service where teaching takes place.

We seek to evangelize in the wrong place by the wrong method. One experience in a Spirit-filled, Christ-empowered cell as healing and deliverance takes place, is worth fifty trips to a boring large wing church service!