
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On Jul 11, 2012, at 11:29 AM, Jan wrote:
I went to our summer women’s study at Hope Ev. Free church last night. We are studying The Magnificent Obsession by Anne Graham Lotz who is coming for a seminar in 2 weeks at Calvary Chapel. I asked to give out my flyers at the meeting, and the leader was not comfortable. Maybe she was thinking more work for me. I was told “we’ll talk about it at our leaders meeting tomorrow.” The seminar is 24 days away.
Calvary is the largest church in New Mexico and has a sanctuary which seats 2000 and the seminar now 1000 registered, plenty of room, cost of $20 includes lunch and a notebook.
Am I out of line for thinking out of the box?

Jan Matthews

Jan, you are far, far too pure!

Americans live in a curse called "Consumer Christianity." Fords do not advertise where to buy Chevrolets. Hope Ev Free is Ford and Calvary Chapel is Chevrolet. You are advertising for the enemy…advertising another consumer church could attract Hope Ev Free members to attend there, and they might decide to start attending there. 

You see, we have to hold on to our own and not expose them to the competition. 

We need their noses and nickles to support our separate castles.

Your problem is that you think all churches share the same goal--drawing all men to Christ.

No. The curse of religion is every church in town has built its little castle-building with little regard for the Kingdom of God and we must keep our populations separated. Never endorse what the "enemy" may offer.

If you want to feel what Jesus feels about all this, read John 17 and join Him in weeping over how far the organized church has fallen.

Sorry about that…
